Our History

MFL Dentária arose from the need to give continuity to Maria Fernanda Lima Unipessoal Lda, known as Clínica Dentária S. Jorge, which is headquartered in S. Jorge-Azores. MFL Dental appears as a need for a fundamental change, to return to the mainland, maintaining the provision of services in S. Jorge, by traveling monthly to the island, thus maintaining the many patients who continued to trust our services.
Our main clinic, now headquartered in Lagoa, Algarve, continues its goals by proposing solutions and well-being for patients on two distinct fronts; Lagoa-Algarve and Velas-S. Jorge.
The professional who had the project, Maria Fernanda Lima, has always been motivated to provide a quality oral health service, giving the best of her knowledge and applying all her efforts to a quality service and respect for the human being in all of her activities. vulnerabilities, in fears, in the ghosts that have always accompanied this sector of medicine.
This respect and professional pride gave rise to a very close and sincere type of relationship with the patient and demystifying the fears and anxieties that accompanied him.
In most cases, MFL has achieved full respect and trust from its patients, generating friendship and close relationships with them.
At present, we have a doctor in the team at the beginning of her career, endowed with the same principles and who is equally managed by the standards of honesty, respect and the need to provide a quality service, together with the relationship of trust and commitment that maintains the line created to serve well.
We also have the support of a responsible, prepared assistant with the same notion of ethics and good service that completes and adds value to our services.
Our commitment is synonymous with evolving, acquiring training and knowledge that enable us to be at the forefront, while maintaining the personalized and humanized treatment that is the basis of our procedures and ambitions.
We promise to maintain quality and evolve towards the best solution for each case and each patient, as unique and exclusive.

Our Team

Looking for Dental Clinic in Algarve or the Azores? Come to visit our dedicated team or call us to get your appointment today! Specialized in oral surgery procedures and implant dentistry, we gather the boldness of young doctors with an extraordinary career of 35 years.